
Easter Pic

Monday, April 13, 2015

For My Special Snowflakes

This post is for my Special Snowflakes.  You know who you are.  I sometimes wonder what kind of world we live in that stalking my blog would be a fun thing for a 13-14 year old to do.  Back in the Dark Ages, when I was a kid, that would be like looking up your teacher's number in the big yellow phone book and prank calling them.  I am sure kids did that sort of thing in the 1980's before caller ID, but I think I had more pressing matters to attend to, like watching paint dry.

You can spam my blog, stalk my Facebook page, follow me on Instagram... I certainly can't tell you how to manage your free time.  But I hope someday you get a hobby that doesn't involve belittling other people, even your language arts teacher.  You can't really hurt my feelings because you are just kids, but you might really do some damage to someone someday.  So please learn an instrument, read a book, go for a walk... do something productive.  Your time with no responsibilities will be over before you know it and I KNOW when you look back you won't think to yourself... gee... I wish I had stalked my 8th grade Language Arts teacher more.

Have a nice Evening,
Mrs. Bickford

PS... ALL of you have a storyboard assignment you could be working on.  Just saying...

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